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Thank you Page

Learn how to customize your review thank you page

Updated over a week ago


When a customer writes a review for your business, they are immediately sent to your thank you page. This guide walks you through how to customize this page. 

To access this page click on Campaigns >Thank You Page

Settings Tab


The text and colors have been optimized by our team, however, you have complete control to customize these options. 

From the Content screen, you can customize: 

  • Main Title  "Thanks for the review"

  • Body 

  • Share Title

Body Customization:

At the top of your body screen, you will notice a toolbar that can be used to edit the rich text using a series of buttons. Rich text editing tools include:

  • Style

  • Bold

  • Underline

  • Remove Font Style

  • Color Selector (background and text)

  • Ordered List

  • Unordered List

  • Link Insert

  • Picture Insert

When these items are saved, the updates are applied in real time. 

Review Content (Product Reviews Only)

This feature allows you to prompt users to review all other products remaining in their order, that have not received a review yet. This is a great way to increase your response rates, without waiting for emails to be sent to the customer. 

Simply enable the checkbox "Display additional purchases", and you're all set. 

Beyond the initial enable, we also have a few ways to customize this area:

Product Display Priority

  • A-Z   (by Product Name)

  • Highest Price

  • Least Reviewed

  • Highest Reviewed

You can also customize the Display Priority and Button Text

Social Sharing

We recommend keeping these checkboxes selected to allow customers to share their reviews with their friends and family, which is a great source of referral traffic. Today we support:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Linkedin

If you prefer to disable social sharing, simply uncheck each box, then click Save Settings. 


The last content area allows you to control the 2 links that appear at the bottom of the page. By default, we display your website and profile page URL. 

Once you've made the text changes, click Save Settings. 

Design Tab

The design tab is meant to give you full control over all Font, Text, Sizes, and Colors. There are many options here, so this guide will detail each one. 


  • Font 

  • Title Alignment  (controls all titles on the page, such as the main title or share title)

  • Body Alignment (controls the text below the main title at the top) 

  • Font Sizes for Title, Body, and Share


  • Title Color  (controls the color of all titles on the page)

  • Body Color (controls the color of all body text on the page, not including the product reviews section)

  • Accent Bar Color (controls the color of the bar at the top and bottom of the page)

  • Link Color (controls the color of links) 

  • Review Button (controls the "Write a Review & Submit" buttons) 

  • Review Button Text (same as above)

Once you're happy with the options, click "Save Settings" to see how everything looks on the right preview. If you've made a mistake, you can always revert to the default options by clicking the "Reset to Default" button. 

Self-Hosted Thank You Page

This feature allows you to redirect customers after they write a review to your own website page, versus to RaveCapture's thank you page. Ensure your page is set up and ready prior to enabling this feature.

Have a question or need support on this feature? 

Please contact our support team via our live chat or

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